Sunday, June 8, 2008

New from Dark Prophecy and Demicus Studios comes...

Never Alone
A story by Demicus_Maximus

Here's a little bit to peak your interest...

A faint noise once again disturbed the ever silent city. Its echo's rang softly over the crumbling streets, weaving around battered cars like a breeze through dull brown grass. The same grass that grew fitfully from cracks in the schorched and tourtured pavement.

The bleached white bones could hear the sound better, if only the flesh they had supported were still alive to listen. Immobile they laid, their final moments of life etched in the ground by marks from fire, the same fires that had silenced their pitiful wails in purifying flame.

Yet more sound was to be heard. It grew louder. Faint sounds now pealed past fading curches like the sounds their once proud bells had before rung. Yet these sounds were of battle and death, rather than of peace and hope. Grinning skulls faintly recognized the sounds as old friends, as they were akin to those that had returned them to death, a fate much kinder than the one they had once been cursed to.

The beach was deafened by these sounds. Feet that had just moments before been making less noise than a fish in the sea, now pounded back across the tainted sands. Burning brass and sprays of blood added to the other detrius strewn about, only to be tread upon by dozens of unfeeling, slow feet.

The noise rose to a thundering crescendo as black shaped forms roared across the now reddened water, then faded back into the silence that had before clung to the city like a black veil. Yet it would be hours before the feet would once more trudge slowly and awkwardly into the necropolis. Back into the fading light.

Just another tiny footnote, in an already decaying reality.

Read the full story at the Demicus Studios main page.

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