Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some Possibilities

YAY! now that Finals Weeks is over I can start writing some stuff out.
So- I took a piece of paper and a pencil and drew this:

This is a possible Cover Art. I was thinking about maybe the character sitting on his porch hugging his knees, or Maybe the picture of his decaying house. My House started to look like the houses 2nd graders draw, and I was just to lazy to Google image something for reference. So- I drew this one.

Then when I came on the computer I wrote the basic idea for level 1, and the basic outline of the whole game.

Which is this:

Basic Idea of Begining
- Begining Video/Opening consits of old family home movies, and news stories of when the planet went horribly wrong.
Old TV effect for the screne, Switches fast so you can see, but you the player don't know what happened. You know something terrible happened, but the video is so fast and chaotic you have no idea. Fades to white. * waking up*

- You wake up in your old decaying house.
* if Possble, maybe enter in " what is my name?" Like the begining of FF8*
You are very confused about what happened, and you are wondering where everyone is.
You call out for your mother, father and sister.....No answer.
You walk around the house, and see that it is falling apart. everything is decaying, and it's very musky.

*video stops and player is now able to control the charatcer*

Level 1
- Walk around the house.
Go into your sisters room and see her decaying dolls, and pink paint that is pealing off the walls.
Parents room is just empty. The bed, the dresser, etc. The bed is eaten by Moths.
Your room is just dark. Poster's on the wall are water warped. Cob webs everywhere.
The Living room has dvd's and VHS. VHS is a home movie, one imporant thing. But you can't watch it yet
On a book shelf there is a family photo album
In the kitchen is it all decayed. Open the fridge at your own risk!
You aquire your Dad's journal on the kitchen counter.

Open it and it reads:

"November, 23rd 2012
Things are starting to get worse. There is something really errie about the air. I am constantly feelings like I am being watched. Work laid me off, and I haven't told her. Not only that but _________ won't wake up. Chelsea misses her big brother. I am so scared, but I am trying to be strong for my family.

I can only be so brave....."

that's are you are allowed to read because your father ripped the pages out.
You will be able to find pieces of your father's journal everywhere, and piece it together.
there is still a chunk of journal left, and you begin to write in that yourself.

Possiblity of Outline

So you wake up and you have no idea what year it is, what happened, or where everyone is.
you are ALONE.
You gather clues as to what happened to the planet.
A possiblity is the idea of what will happen December 23rd, 2012.
As you Put the puzzle together, and have an idea of what happened, but no ending..

Here are possiblites for ending of Game Play and start of waking up again
* You fall into an Abyss
* You are attacked by something--- Men in Black, etc
* You Kill youself because you are alone.

So, you wake up and and everything was a dream.
The player doesn't actually know the character is waking up until the character is back in his own house at his own time.
And that leaves the player to decide what happened, and write their own ending.

*sigh* there we go! I can only imagine how long this blog post looks!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here's an Idea

I have this idea that just sprung to me as I was looking through LCGC Forums.

I know not of where this idea came from but it just popped in my head.

So. I have an idea
This is what it's about.

I've noticed that we really don't have any demented or creepy games in GC.
I think it's time to change that. Everything is too happy, lol, and being Dark Prophecy Studios, I have a dark taste in my mouth.

I'm thinking it should be made in the Machina engine.
that way we can make it 3D and have Adam's awesome models :]

* this is partly inspired by 'Life After People'*

So, you wake up in your old decaying house.
you don't know what year it is, all you know is that you are alone....
Because everyone is gone. Dead. Vanished.

so you walk around looking for clues.. newspapers, library, etc to gain a better understanding of what happened.Maybe even kinda like 28 days later, only it's like...YEARS later.

I'm thinking for a title like " Alone"

So anyways, you find clues, and you kinda start to put the puzzle together.
and then you wake up
because it was all a dream.
And it leaves the player to conclude what happened, and write their own ending in their minds.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Well, here it is. All of our LCGC allies (and foes) in arms. We only dominate 2/3 of the page, from center to upper left hand corner, with exceptions. Make note of Demicus's ugly mug looking fat and "arrrgh" like always, blocking Dan almost 100%.

Poor fearless leader, no smile, no evil look... Koop's got a good smile at least. And Rabid. Robbie, looking like his usual self.

I will be making an edited and (hopefully) cleaned up version soon, plus another for just the Dark Prophecy members. A banner, if you will.